Welcome to Labour For Reddish!

This Blog is for any resident of Reddish/member of the Reddish community. Through this Blog we hope to promote our activity in Reddish and communicate with residents/constituents in order to create a future for Reddish that is 'Fair for All'.


Thursday 24 March 2011

Campaign meeting of Reddish Labour Party- 2/4/11.

Dear Friend and Supporter,

The next Campaign meeting of Reddish Labour Party will take place on Saturday April 2nd 2011 at 12pm (noon) at a new venue: Houldsworth Working Men’s Club, Leamington Rd, Reddish, SK5 6BD. (http://www.thomsonlocal.com/Houldsworth+Working+Mens+Club/0093375306501947010/companyinfo.html)

1. Members Present and apologies.
2. Matters arising.
4. Report from the Chair of Branch.
5. Campaign Reports (Implementation of the Commission recommendations into our campaigning/fresh approaches to campaigning).
6. Motion for debate (TBD).
7. A.O.B/General politics and current affairs discussion.

Members with any ideas of a motion to debate around (as agreed at the last meeting) then please contact the secretary ASAP. Thanks.

As we have brought the meeting into Reddish to make our party more inclusive we hope to see as many members as possible. Please join us at our Street Stall at Houldsworth Square directly before the Campaign Meeting (10:30 am to 12:00 pm) where we will be campaigning and petitioning against the cuts to public services and particularly the privatisation of our NHS.

Thank you,
Christopher Hill- Reddish Branch Secretary

Friday 18 February 2011

Notice of Branch Meeting- 25/2/2011.

The next Branch meeting of Reddish Labour Party will take place on Friday evening, February 25th 2011 at 7.30pm at our usual venue: Stockport Labour Club, 2 Lloyd Street, Heaton, Norris (Just off the A6).

1. Members Present and apologies.
2. Matters arising.
3. Councillor and MP reports.
4. Report from the Chair of Branch.
5. Campaign Report.
6. How do we make meetings more accessible and enjoyable?
7. A.O.B/General politics and current affairs discussion. (The possibility of an AV debate for Stockport or Reddish Branch before the referendum?).

After the meeting there is a fundraising Pub Quiz taking place and we would love it if you could join us for what will be a fun evening (it would be great if we could enter a few teams). Don’t worry the quizmaster is not Bamber Gascoigne so there’s a question in there for everybody!

National TUC March through London and Hyde Park Rally against the Cuts. Saturday March 26th 2011. If anyone is interested further details can be provided from Cllr David Wilson at the meeting or before at davidstephenwilson@yahoo.co.uk

Sunday 6 February 2011

Reddish Labour Party's AGM 21.01.2011

At Reddish Labour Party's AGM 21.01.2011
The Membership elected :
David Sedgewick Chair
Chris Hill Secretary
David Wilson Assistant Secretary
Tom Grundy Treasurer
Youth Officer Mike Marshall
Vice Chair's Paul Moss & Mark

Wednesday 2 February 2011



Two long standing LibDem Councillors have resigned from Stockport LibDem Group as they can no longer support the policies being pursued by their Party as part of the Tory-led Government.

Cllr David White and Cllr Roy Driver will form a new Independent Group on Stockport Council. They have both applied to join the Labour Party and have agreed to take the Labour whip.

Cllr Andy Verdeille said “I am not at all surprised these Councillors find themselves unable to continue their support for this Tory-led Coalition. The impact of the cuts being imposed on Stockport will be catastrophic for jobs and services. I hope more LibDem Councillors will seriously question just how much they are prepared to support”.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


The Labour Party also supported this campaign locally by tabling a motion in the recent Stockport MBC meeting and we are pleased to say the motion passed receiving cross party support. We believe that EMA offers the young people of Reddish and Stockport the opportunity to stay on in Further Education. Furthermore, we believe EMA offers the opportunity for young people to consider Higher Education thus opening up the life chances for the young people of Stockport by allowing them to become socially mobile. We will continue the fight for the young people of Stockport!

Can you believe a word this man says?